News & Editorial Guidelines

For organisations who have at least five S-Class Members (which is free-forever) signed up, the Directors Club News Desk is open for companies to send press releases Monday – Thursday 9am – 4:00pm. Any press release submitted after 4:00pm will be processed after.

You can check if you or a colleague are an S-Class Member by viewing the Member List HERE.

To signup for free-forever S-Class Membership, please fill out this short S-class Membership Acceptance Form.

We also accept Editorial and Blog posts on the Directors Club News website and could be in the following format:

  • Standard Blog
  • Q&A
  • Hints & Tips
  • Interview

Each submission must contain the following:

  • 1-2 opening sentence introducing the post to the reader.
  • Company Logo
  • 200×200 Pixel head-shot of the author of the post.
  • About the company text and URL to their homepage

Your submission must not contain any hard-sell or advertising of products and services.

Ready to Send?

Submissions can be sent to