Category Archives: Guest Post

Future-proofed remote working: a checklist for readying your contact centre

Lockdowns forced contact centres to switch to remote working overnight. While interim technology solutions may have met immediate needs, they aren’t necessarily the right fit for the long-term. Jeremy Payne, Group VP, Marketing and Alliances, Enghouse Interactive looks at how contact centres can future-proof their remote working strategy, with a checklist of the areas to focus on.
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5 key security points to consider for when choosing a private cloud solution

There’s no denying that digital transformation has been accelerated by the COVID-19 pandemic. As businesses have transitioned to a mix of on-and-off-site working, they have also relied more on cloud computing as a way to access and store data – data that may be sensitive or business critical. Many businesses have chosen to adopt a private cloud model for at least some of their cloud deployments because it is supposed to offer higher security levels. However not all private cloud solutions offer the same level of security. Continue reading 5 key security points to consider for when choosing a private cloud solution