Category Archives: Market Research

Customer analytics can ‘significantly’ improve bottom line, but most brands still fall short of applying it in real time, per new study

With the convergence of digital technologies, such as artificial intelligence (AI) and the internet of things (IoT), opportunities are surging for brands to use advanced analytics to learn – and deliver on – what their customers expect in any given moment and place. A new study, conducted by Harvard Business Review Analytic Services and sponsored by SAS, Intel and Accenture Applied Intelligence, reports that companies using customer analytics are already achieving notable gains. Continue reading Customer analytics can ‘significantly’ improve bottom line, but most brands still fall short of applying it in real time, per new study

Organizations struggle to make progress with their digital transformation investments

New research from Capgemini’s Digital Transformation Institute highlights that the minority of businesses feel they have the digital (39%) and leadership (35%) capabilities needed to make their digital transformation journey a success. The report, “Understanding Digital Mastery Today: Why companies are struggling with their digital transformations” reveals that while companies are making progress on evolving their customer experience, they are struggling to transform their back-end operations. Continue reading Organizations struggle to make progress with their digital transformation investments

Contact centres failing to engage and retain young Millennial and GenZ customer service agents

Young Millennial / GenZ Customer Service Agents (ages 18-24) could be the largest customer service agent demographic in the next several years but they could also be the least happy and most likely to leave their jobs, according to the 2nd annual Aspect Agent Experience Index survey, which surveyed US employees. Continue reading Contact centres failing to engage and retain young Millennial and GenZ customer service agents

New Calabrio Study Finds Human Nature Drives Customer Loyalty in a Digital World

Technology adoption is imperative to maintaining a competitive edge, but many companies rely too heavily on technology without understanding how it’s impacting the customer experience. A new study announced today, “Are You Listening? The Truth About What Customers Want in a Digital World,” found that human nature and the meaningful experiences that organisations create with customers drive digital behaviour and loyalty. Continue reading New Calabrio Study Finds Human Nature Drives Customer Loyalty in a Digital World