PRESS RELEASE: Anchor has chosen Coldharbour Time and Attendance software from Civica to provide a workforce management solution for its 120 care homes. The new solution offers touch screen capabilities using fingerprint recognition, to enable verification of staff attendance, ensuring absence, sickness and holiday rules concerning pay are correctly applied, to increase cost-efficiencies.
Anchor, an award winning not-for-profit provider of care and housing for older people, offer purpose built retirement properties and specialist care homes, in over 1,000 locations across the UK.
The two organisations have a successful partnership that already spans 10 years. The new single solution will replace a number of systems and includes integration to group HR and payroll.
The solution aims to:
• Support and enable the standardisation of business processes
• Support a shift from salaried to positive pay
• Provide a common platform for future exploitation of further workforce management improvements
• Implement a group wide touch screen and biometric solution to automate and optimise staff
• Reduce agency and staff costs through efficient and effective workforce management
• Reduce administration time in manual planning and recording rotas.
John Paul, IT Director, Anchor, commented: “This contract is the continuation of a successful partnership with Civica and has been a collaborative process to ensure the best solution and supplier has been chosen. We are very confident that we will be able to achieve a strong return on investment from the workforce management solution.”
Mike Moreton, Sales Director, Civica Health & Care, said: “We have enjoyed working collaboratively with Anchor over the last 10 years. Coldharbour software supports Anchor’s vision to drive innovative transformation aligned to business processes and help to optimise employee costs whilst allowing Anchor to focus on providing better outcomes for its residents.”