Category Archives: Guest Post

What do older generations want from customer service?

It may surprise you that one in five Twitter users are aged over 50, over 59 per cent of seniors have made a digital purchase in the past three months and a colossal 28 million seniors have a Facebook account. Clearly, online tools are not just for the younger generation. To illustrate this, live chat developer, Parker Software, has created a free, downloadable infographic detailing why the older generation is choosing online live chat applications as its preferred method of communication with businesses. Continue reading What do older generations want from customer service?

Bring Your Own Phone: How many personal mobile devices are synced with your business data right now?

The use of personal mobile devices for work continues to be on the rise. Flexible and remote working options are now a major consideration for employees, while, for SMEs in particular, Bring Your Own Phone (BYOP) initiatives can help keep down costs, and provide the agility and flexibility to compete with the rigid structures of larger competitors. Continue reading Bring Your Own Phone: How many personal mobile devices are synced with your business data right now?