PRESS RELEASE: Confirmit, the leading global customer experience solutions provider for Customer Experience, Voice of the Employee, and Market Research launches Confirmit CompassTM, a comprehensive, five-stage VoC maturity model. Confirmit Compass is designed to advance the overall goals of effective customer experience management by helping companies understand the key stages of maturity in VoC programme development.
Confirmit Compass is the industry’s only academically and independently scientifically validated Customer Experience (CX) Programme Maturity Assessment Model. In conjunction with a research team from Rockbridge Associates Inc. ( and professors from the University of Miami and St. John’s University, Confirmit introduces an assessment that organisations can rely upon to ensure they are working on the right elements to drive customer experience success.
“Confirmit Compass was built as a continuation of our core methodology, Confirmit Voices™, that we developed to enable organisations to create clear objectives and design a tailored programme,” explains Claire Sporton, VP Customer Experience Management, Confirmit. “Confirmit Compass will further our efforts to help customers assess and grow their programmes, develop a clear plan to drive business change and generate a strong Return on Investment.”
“Our work with the Confirmit VoC consulting team has been invaluable in helping us to map the right path towards an effective, actionable Voice of the Customer programme,” explains Jeff Johnson, Director, Markets, Programs and Community in Customer Success, Splunk. “The assessment process, based on Confirmit Compass, really helped us to understand what we currently have in place and where we can make future investments. By understanding our strengths and weaknesses, it is great to be able to identify where we should focus efforts for improvement that will make the most impact on our business and customers.”
“Companies that rely on the Confirmit Compass methodology to make decisions about their CX programmes can be assured that its underlying metrics are anchored in sound science that establish their reliability and prove they drive success,” according to Charles Colby, Chief Methodologist and Founder of Rockbridge.
Through an intuitive five-part framework Confirmit Compass helps companies visualise their position on the CX maturity scale. With better insight, executives can develop clear goals to ensure VoC development is on course. The assessment considers programmes from five perspectives:
• Vision: A mature programme has a clear strategy or vision that defines critical milestones by breaking the programme down into achievable pieces and linking it to key business objectives.
• Design: Mature programmes will be wary of complacency after their initial design and will evolve to meet the changing needs of internal and external customers, as well as the business, over time.
• Engagement: A successful customer-facing organisation has the client embedded in its culture. VoC and CX programmes can help to drive this culture change by providing actionable, engaging information about the customer.
• Action: Taking action is critical to delivering value and driving change. Depending on the maturity of a programme, this will vary from quick wins with a big impact, to longer term actions that drive the customer experience into the future.
• Value: A mature programme should be embedded within an organisation’s DNA and constantly be measuring success and gathering proof points for the work while identifying new ways to deliver value, especially on operational, financial and cultural fronts.
“VoC maturity is not instantly achieved once the programme is up and running. No matter how well-designed a VoC programme might be, a successful customer experience programme requires meticulous upkeep and nurturing,” said Shelly Chandler, VP Customer Experience Consulting, Confirmit. “From the tactical elements, to frontline efforts and financial outcomes, there are many pieces of the CX puzzle that evolve at different rates, and VoC is extremely important to each step of the journey. It is crucial that organisations self-assess the competencies and maturity levels of each element in order for their programme to progress. Confirmit Compass will help Confirmit customers do just this.”