800Comms, partnering with OneCloud Networks, secures an on-premise and cloud communications solutions powered by Broadsoft for its UK Market. BroadSoft is one of the pioneers of Unified Communications as a Service (UCaaS) solutions. There is no race with the existing players, we are focused to supply UCaaS solutions to rapid growing needs of a converging IT and communications market over secure networks at an affordable price. All offerings are truly cloud-based, unified and bundled with collaborative tools tailor-made to the customer needs.
Is your existing phone system holding you back or helping you fly? 800Comms announces today the commercial availability of BroadCloud™ based Unified Communication and Collaborative tools for its UK market. In its opening statement, the CEO of the Company said: “Our fully scalable offering enables our small to medium-sized businesses (SMBs) and enterprise customers to take benefit from a hosted communications solution with a carrier-grade voice and video quality and team collaborative tools.”
Cloud communications open new opportunities and can equip your team to sell faster with fully automated workflow. 64% of employers expect their employees to be reachable outside of the office on their personal time – with 800Comms tools Customers can use this services while at work, home or on the road, and anywhere, and using any smart device they have – a very flexible experience!
800Comms assures competitive prices, better customer relationship, faster customer installation and continuous 24 x 7 network performance monitoring. 800Comms team realises the importance of efficient communication solution in this age of the competition, mobility, and for flexible workers. Missed communication is equal to missed opportunity. Therefore, our extended solutions include, but not limited to:
· Voice service via deskphone, mobile, computer, tablet
· Outlook integration & Chrome dialler
· Collaboration, chat, conferencing, shared docs
· Conference bridge: audio & video
· Integrate chat & video conferencing with your contact list
· Online fax
· Web meeting
· CRM integration
· Google Apps or Office 365
· Intelligently route calls
· Hybrid WAN & application performance monitoring
All the above with an average 50% savings over traditional PBX and collaboration systems and 99.99% uptime.