Forethought Launches Discover

Forethought, the Human-Centred AI Platform, announced the launch of Discover™. This product complements the existing three products in the Platform: Solve, Triage and Assist. Discover delivers proactive support insights fast, with low effort and investment.

Prior to Discover, most customer service tools were limited to analyzing structured data — i.e., data that can easily be organized into a spreadsheet such as phone numbers, addresses, product names, and currency. The vast majority of customer support data is unstructured, including emails, audio files, and long-form articles. This data is a gold mine of valuable customer insights, but most teams haven’t had the tools to properly make sense of it without hiring professional data scientists.

Discover makes it possible to easily glean valuable insights from unstructured support data to enable support teams to be more proactive about improving the customer experience.

“With Discover, Forethought expands the horizons of the customer support experience. With these capabilities, support teams can easily perform powerful analysis to get holistic insights on every piece of customer support data and can then take action on those insights. As a result, data-driven decisions will be much easier and more effective, and any business can appreciate that,” Vice President of Product EJ Liao said.

Organizations using Discover will have access to multi-channel and multi-ticket AI capabilities, such as analysing unstructured data across all channels and tickets.

The granularity of this data analysis is unprecedented in the market. While other solutions can provide basic analysis on volume metrics, they lack the ability to perform advanced analysis easily on multi-ticket unstructured data, as well as NLU-powered dynamic categorization. Discover outperforms other products by providing dynamic categorization based on data versus predefined ones, as well as abnormality detection to improve the noise-to-signal ratio. Additionally, Discover looks beyond trend volume with key performance indicators (KPIs) segmented by dynamically generated issue categories.

Dynamic ticket categorization is core to Discover technology and will improve and evolve over time. The ability to capture this data and turn it into actionable insights can transform customer support from a cost centre to a growth driver. Adding this capability to Forethought’s Platform enables it to support human interactions and the ability to dive deeper into the customer service experience data, as well as capture sales and product insights to share across the organization and enable more data-driven decision-making.

“Discover helps organizations make sense of complicated customer queries and gain insights into their experiences. It’s proactive in capturing implicit signals from customers, which can be shared throughout an enterprise to dramatically improve the overall customer experience,” Deon Nicholas, CEO of Forethought, said.

Future Discover enhancements include AI-powered recommendations on workflow and process improvements, agent coaching, and suggested additions to an organization’s Knowledge Center based on coverage gaps in customer inquiries.

Learn more about Discover at


Launched in 2018, Forethought is a leading AI company providing customer service solutions that transform the customer experience. Forethought’s products enable seamless customer experiences by infusing human-centred AI at each stage of the customer support journey: resolving common cases instantly, enriching and prioritizing tickets, and assisting agents with relevant knowledge — all from one platform.